Shrek is a 2001 American computer-animated fantasy film loosely based on William Steig's 1990 fairy tale picture book of the same name and directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson in their directorial debut. It stars the voices of Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, and John Lithgow, and somewhat serves as a parody of other films adapted from numerous children's fantasies, mainly animated Disney films. The film focuses on an ogre named Shrek (voiced by Myers), who finds his swamp overrun by fairy tale creatures who have been banished there by order of the evil Lord Farquaad (v
Deliver It Master
Rainbow Friends : ScaleMan
Supercars Zombie Driving
Flappy Skibidi Toilet
Basket Random
Animal Puzzles
Baby Panda Dream Job
Wooden Attic Escape
Geometry Road
Noob shooter vs Zombie
Space Combat: Sky Wars
Wonderful High Heels
Wedding Ceremony
Santa Match Game
Baby Hazel Newborn Baby
Viking Warrior Battle Jigsaw
Block Toggle
Run Rob
Monster Shooter Defense
Knockout Fall Guys 3D Run - Royale Race
power rangers : space war
Super heros Combat & flying
Zombie Parade Defense 6
Street Food Deep Fried
Rock Paper Scissors-3
Dogs Spot The Differences 2
Gain Tom Coin Run
Old And New Cars Coloring
Emoji Crash