Pac-Man is a Japanese video game franchise published, developed and owned by Bandai Namco Entertainment (formerly Namco). Entries have been developed by a wide array of other video game companies, including Midway Games, Atari and Mass Media, Inc.. The eponymous first entry was released in arcades in 1980 by Namco, and published by Midway Games in North America. Most Pac-Man games are maze chase games, however it has also delved into other genres, such as platformers, racing, and sports. Several games in the series have been released for a multitude of home consoles and are included in many Na
The Racing Crew
Sling Tomb Fly
Grand City Racing
Pop It Pop It
Duck Family Rescue Series Episode 4
Save Rainbow: Blue monster
Jetpack Jojo
Kindergarten Kids Learning Games
Coloring Book: Vehicles
Spiderman Spot The Differences - Puzzle Game
HOOPS the game
Sushi Feast!
Child Skate
Fashion Doll Closet
Stick Clash
Escape Hid
Archery Shooting
Extreme Sport Car Racing
Mess Master Keep Home Clean
Easter Card Memory
Plumber World 2
Hallo Candy
Undead Horizons: Pirates Plague
My Simple Surviving Clicking Game
Happy Birds Jigsaw
Dress Up Royal Princess Doll
Clash Imposter 3D
Slot Machine West