In a distant fairy-tale kingdom there lives a kind magician who loves to prepare various tasty candies. In their manufacture, he uses a special magic plate. Today in the game Mysterious Candies we will help him in his work. In front of you will be visible a plate with candies already lying in it. Above it will appear other items that will have a red or green color. They will fall on the plate. You clicking on it, too, can change its color. You need the items in the plate to have the same color as it.
Crossy Road Chicken
Chrismass Candy HD
Become a Mechanic
625 Sandwich Stacker
smashing simmba
Brave Merida Escape
Halloween Forest Escape
Koby Jump .IO
Jungle Tower
Magical Unicorn Grooming World
Baby Hazel Winter Fashion
Shot and Kill
Fancy Pants Adventure
Fruits Float Connect
Pickup Trucks Jigsaw
Pirate Defense
Dinosaurs Survival Active Vulcan Multiplayer
Baby Taylor Mexican Party
Halloween Bubble Shooter HD
Rolly Cube
Stick Archers Battle
Kick The Alien
Arthur The Mythical Hunter
Monster Of Eyes
Extreme Stunt Car Game
Color Box Path
Bouncy Ball Challenge
Santa Ball Fill 3D
BMW M340i xDrive Puzzle